niin ihana paiva oli!!! oli ihan oikeasti!! niin lapset osoittivat sen tanaan minulle, miksi tama paiva on myos minun. miksi yksi paiva vuodesta pyhitetaan taysin aidille. ja kukapas muukaan se on parhain sita osoittamaan, kuin omat lapset. olenhan aiti heille. ihan ikioma. ja siita olen kiitollinen. onnellinen. en vaihtaisi lapsiani, enka omaa osaani mihinkaan. tassapa pieni kooste paivastamme. onnen paivasta.
it was just a great day!!! really, it was! kids really showed it today, why it was mother's day today. why this day is also my day. i guess they are the best ones to show it. show their love to their own mother. yes, and i am proud to be there mother. their own. very own. and i am thankful about that. happy. i wouldn't replace my kids for nothing. and i wouldn't replace my life for anything. here is couple pictures of our great mother's day sunday. the happy day in our life.
Ma herasin tahan! Kaksi pienta lastani seisoi sankyni vierella, aamiainen kadessa. " Aiti, nouse ylos. syo sun aamiainen". Meinasi itku tulla. Ainakin pala tuli kurkkuun. Akkia kamera esiin ja ikuistetaan tama mahtava tilanne. Jillian ja Tristan olivat heranneet ylos, keittaneet kahvit ja tonkineet kaapit lapi, mita aitille laitettaisiin aamupalaksi. Ja mulla ei ollut mitaan tietoa mistaan, nukuin kuin tukki sangyssa!!! Ei ole ihan asken ollut yhta mahtavaa heratysta. Hymyssa suin siina seisoivat, nakivat, miten aidin sydan suli <3 oli aihetta kiitokseen!
Lautaselle oli eksynyt myos Elielin ruokapurkki. Taytyyhan aamupala jakaa kaikkien kanssa :) Tastakin lautaselta Eliel soi oman ruokansa, pojat vaahtokarkit ja Jillian persikanpalaset :) mutta riitti siita minullekkin. Kahvia, bagelia ja muroja. Voiko olla ihanampaa kuin syoda aamupala sangyssa rakkaitten lapsieni kanssa <3 On ihanaa olla aiti. Sanon sen taas uudestaan.
I woke up to this! Two of my oldest kids were standing beside my bed, holding my breakfast in their hands. "Mom, wake up, here is your breakfast". Aww, i almost cried. I didn't know what to say. I was wordless. Quickly I stand up and went to get my camera. To capture this great moment in our life. Jillian and Tristan have woken up by themselves. They made coffee and checked all the cupboards, is there anything what we could give for our mother? I didn't have any glu, what was happening..I was sleeping like a log..I don't remember when I woke up last time to this kind of precious moment. There they were smiling, when they saw how happy their mother was. It was time to be thankful <3
Also on the plate there was Eliel's food jar. Of course there needs to be something for everybody! So Eliel ate his own food, boys ate the marshmellows and Jillian the peaches :) but still there was lots to me too; coffee,bagel and cheerios..what else could be better then a breakfast in the bed with the kids?!? Ooh, do I ever love to be a mom. I had to say it again.
Ja naita kauniita kortteja ja suloisia lahjoja mita lapset antavat! Sain kukan, jonka Jillian on itse kasvattanut koulussa seka niin ihanan, ajatusta taynna olevan kortin. Kovasti siina ainakin on suukkoja ja haleja ;)
And these beautiful cards and gifts what I got. I got a flower, what Jillian has grown at school and also card full of beautiful thoughts...
Tanaan myos meidan pikku villiviikari sai uuden hiustyylin. TAAS. Uskon etta tama tyyli kestaa kesan yli! Kerta sain VHIDOINKIN ne letit pikkumiehelle (aitienpaivalahjani seka yksi toiveitteni tayttymys, huom. ei mulla kovin suuret toiveet elamassa ole..pienet ilot, ne parhaimmat ilot!), ni nyt lahti pojalta hiukset. Okei, myonnan, meni sunnuntai tyoksi, mutta kun just tana aamuna teki mieli leikata, niin leikkasin! Nyt tama jaba nayttaa talta: (silti se on itse suloisuus...<3)
Heissansaa, our little man got the new hairstyle today, AGAIN! Okei, i know i did this hair cut on sunday morning, but, i had to. I really wanted to cut his hair (after having those braids, my mother's day gift and one of my wishes, yes, I have small and simple wishes ;)!) anyways, now he looks like this: (still he looks like one of the cutiest kid in the world <3)
Hassua! Ei tullut otettua yhtaan kuvaa ulkoa tanaan, vaikka vietettiinkin ulkona koko aamupaiva, kunnes lahdettiin kirkkoon. Ja aah, kaytiinhan me aamulla myos saunassa koko sakki. Herkkua sentaan! Jokaisesta tuli niin putipuhtaita sunnuntain paivaan et kiva oli myllata pikkuhousut jalassa ulkona seka pomppia puussa sen jalkeen, jotta varmasti ollaan taas multaisia ja likaisia :D noon, sehan kuuluun tahan elamaan! Siina aamupaivalle soitettiin myos suomeen ja albertaan rakkaille aitienpaivatoivotukset <3. Voi kun osaisi muistaa useammin omaa aitiani ja anoppiani seka muita rakkaita "aitejani" elamassa. ei siina, mielessa he ovat usein..nooh, on ainakin jotain listassa, jota pitaisi parantaa...
That's funny! I didn't take any pictures from outside and there we spent our day before we went to the church. Or, actually, first we had a sauna and then it was good to go outside, running back and forth on the grass that for sure everything gets dirty again :D but what ever, its part of the fun..and we surely had a nice morning. also we made a phone calls to Finland and Alberta...where some of our love ones are...<3
Kirkolla meilla oli aitienpaivajuhla. Se on aina yhta kaunis. Talla kertaa tuntui, etta se oli erityisen erikoinen. Tosi ihana! Kauniita lauluja ja suloisia runoja. Jilliankin niin ujona siella edessa oli laulamassa, vaikkei valttamatta uskoisi, etta taman terhakka, reipas pikku tytto myos ujostelee, ja itseasiassa aika usein. Se on aika herttaista minun mielestani! Kylla lapset osavat laulaa niin ihanasti.
Ja miesten loppulaulu kruunasi koko juhlan. Mieli lepaa kun sita kuuntelee. Voin kylla ylpeana sanoa, etta en oo missaan muualla kuullut niin komeata laulua aitienpaivajuhlassa kuin taalla! Sen taytyisi kuulla kaikki, niin te olisitte kaikki samaa mielta kanssani!!!
Illan paalle mentiin viela hamppareille ja kahveille mummulaan..siella oli talo taynna kukka-asetelmia..kylla siella eletaan nyt kukkaisten paalla <3 kuten aina aitienpaivan jalkeen. ja niin se pitaakin olla.
Ihana paiva oli. en vaihtaisi en mihinkaan...ois vaan viela ollut tuo toinen puoliskokin taalla nauttimasta paivastamme, niin se olisi ollut piste iin paalle!
We had a mother's day program at the church this afternoon. It is always so beautiful...this time it was even more touching. beautiful songs and poems. yes, i wiped few tears of my eyes. and i bet so many else did too. Jillian was singing there too...being so shy. its cute. sometimes its surely surprises me how shy she gets after being so full of energy and ready to make friends with everybody..but I love that shyness. but yes, the kids really know how to sing straight from their heart to the mother's heart. straight way.
And when the men went to sing, the church roof went up 2inches. it was georgeous! i just could listen is all night long. and i feel very confident to say that i haven't never heard anywhere else that powerful men's singing then here! I think all of you should hear it, and you will agree with me.
After church we went to kids great grandparent's place to have a bbq and coffee...the house was loaded with flowers!was great to finish our mother's day there. now the kids are sleeping and soon me too. it was one of the best days in my life...i just wish my other half would have been here time. :)
Life is Good!
Sita se on marjo :) lyhyesti tiivistetty kolmeen sanaan ;)!!!
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