Joskus tulee sellainen olo, et nyt ei kylla jaksa. Inhoan sita olotilaa ja se taytyy kasitella heti. Vakavasti. Miettia mista kyseinen olotila tuli ja tietenkin miten se lahtee pois? Tassa viikonlopun aikana tuli keskella mukavaa paivaa tallainen olo. Istuin sohvalla ja plaah...mikaan ei kiinnostanut. Ehkapa se johtui siita etta istuin sohvalla. Istun sohvalla yleensa vain silloin kun vierailen, luen pojille kirjaa tai syotan Elielia. Muuten tulee juostua ympari taloa, valilla ihan huvikseenkin.
Mutta talla kertaa, olo joka minun mieleni valtasi, ei lahtenyt pois kun yhdella tavalla. Kylaily eraan erittain positiivisen, iloisen, onnellisen, idearikkaan ihmisen ja hanen perheensa luona. Joka saa ajatukset harhailemaan ihan muille maille autuaille....Soitto meni ja kutsuin itseni kylaan. Jes! Onnellinen olo valtasi mieleni. Ehei, en ma sanonut etta JUST SILLA HETKELLA EI OLLUT POTKUA ELAMASSA. Ja eika kaikkea tarvitse sanoa, joskus on kiva vaan tuntea. Ja tiesin itsekkin, etta seuraavassa hetkessa potkua oli enemman kuin pienessa pitajassa. Eika ollut tietoakaan olotilasta " plaah, en jaksa." Taman siita saa kun elaa hetken lapsena, elaa taysilla jokaisen sekunnin elamastaan. Eika varmasti mene yhtaan sekunttia hukkaan. Ei edes ne unessa vietetyt sekunnit. Nimittain rakastan nukkumista.......sinne tassakin halajan...
Niin, pakko on ylpeana myontaa, ettei mennyt kuin 4minuuttia niin lapset istui autossa ja me kaahattiin menemaan. :) ei siina kauaa mene ku helisemaan laittaa. Kuten varmasti te monet tiedatte, olen aika akkipikainen ihminen :)!
I had a moment when I felt like "I don't have any energy, my life is gone!!!", That feeling comes sometimes and I absolutely hate it!!!! And I have to deal with that feeling right away. Seriously. I have to think why that feeling came and also try to find out how I will get out of that feeling? During this weekend I had this moment once. I sat on the couch and plaah, nothing was interesting. Maybe it came because I sat on the couch. I usually sit there if I have visitors and we are having good time, or I read book to the kids or I am feeding Eliel.
This time I knew how to get rid of that feeling. I had to go visit one of my best friend and her family. She is just an amazing person, she has skills how to get everybody happy. So I gave her a call and off there we went. I didn't tell her my feelings, why? I didn't have to. Sometimes you don't have to say, it's good to just feel it... And also I knew it that my bad feeling was gone already, while I made that phone call...that's what you get when you live every second in your don't waste any time....
I have to say proudly that it took only 4minutes to get kids to the car and off we went. I even timed it!...yeah, one of this funny things what I do...just to make things happening ;)!
I had a moment when I felt like "I don't have any energy, my life is gone!!!", That feeling comes sometimes and I absolutely hate it!!!! And I have to deal with that feeling right away. Seriously. I have to think why that feeling came and also try to find out how I will get out of that feeling? During this weekend I had this moment once. I sat on the couch and plaah, nothing was interesting. Maybe it came because I sat on the couch. I usually sit there if I have visitors and we are having good time, or I read book to the kids or I am feeding Eliel.
This time I knew how to get rid of that feeling. I had to go visit one of my best friend and her family. She is just an amazing person, she has skills how to get everybody happy. So I gave her a call and off there we went. I didn't tell her my feelings, why? I didn't have to. Sometimes you don't have to say, it's good to just feel it... And also I knew it that my bad feeling was gone already, while I made that phone call...that's what you get when you live every second in your don't waste any time....
I have to say proudly that it took only 4minutes to get kids to the car and off we went. I even timed it!...yeah, one of this funny things what I do...just to make things happening ;)!
Ajaessani tanne upealle farmille soitattelin CD:ta taysilla autossa...lauloin mukana ja hymyilin vieressa oleville ajajille "lahetteko kilpasille, mulla on tulitera auto"...ei kukaan lahtenyt, mutta vastaukseksi sain monia hymyja. Liekko oli ruokaa suupielessa, kun niin nopsaa lahettiin vai muuten vaan hymyiltiin takaisin.
Talla farmilla kasvatetaan paljon puita ja kukkia seka kaikkea silta valilta jolla on juuret ja tekee jonkinnakoista lehtea tai kukkaa. aah...sita ihanaa kukkamerta joka vastaanotti meidat. ja kukkameren keskelta pikimusta suomalainen rouva huiskutteli meidat tervettulleiksi.
While we were driving to this beautiful farm, I had my CD going out aloud...I sang with it. Also gave smiles to the other drivers beside me " do you want to go for race?" nobody wanted, but I got many answers back, smiles. I wonder did I had food in my face or they just smiled me back for no reason. How knows.
They grow trees and flowers in this farm...and everything between...aah, it looked sooooooo beautiful when we came into their driveway..all those flowers was welcoming us with a farmer's wife.
While we were driving to this beautiful farm, I had my CD going out aloud...I sang with it. Also gave smiles to the other drivers beside me " do you want to go for race?" nobody wanted, but I got many answers back, smiles. I wonder did I had food in my face or they just smiled me back for no reason. How knows.
They grow trees and flowers in this farm...and everything between...aah, it looked sooooooo beautiful when we came into their driveway..all those flowers was welcoming us with a farmer's wife.
Tama perhe on erittain lahella sydantani. Olenhan saannut viettaa monta ikimuistoista hetkea heidan kanssaan. Ja uskon, etta monia on viela edessa. Mieleeni aina palautuu ensimmainen tapaaminen perheenisan kanssa. " Emppu, tassa talossa on sitten bisnesta. Jos sa et jaksa olla meilla, ni etitaan sulle joku toinen perhe (elokuu 2003 kun tulin hoitamaan heidan lapsiaan)", ei etitty toista perhetta, ei. Ma mahduin hyvin sinne bisnekseen mukaan...:) ja vielakin mahdutaan! Onhan se rikkaus, kun voi sanoa kodikseen muutakin kun omaa kotia, tai lapsuuden kotia.
This family has a place in my heart. I have spent many wonderful moments with them in a past years. And I believe, there will be lots ahead. Comes to my mind sometimes when I saw first time the dad of the house " Emppu, we have business going on in our house (there were no farm that time), if you don't want to be here, we will find you a other family (august 2003 when I came to babysit their kids)." Noup, we didn't look for other family...I found my place there and didn't want to go anywhere else. And it is one kind of richness in a life, when you can call "home" the place other then your own home, or your childhood home.
This family has a place in my heart. I have spent many wonderful moments with them in a past years. And I believe, there will be lots ahead. Comes to my mind sometimes when I saw first time the dad of the house " Emppu, we have business going on in our house (there were no farm that time), if you don't want to be here, we will find you a other family (august 2003 when I came to babysit their kids)." Noup, we didn't look for other family...I found my place there and didn't want to go anywhere else. And it is one kind of richness in a life, when you can call "home" the place other then your own home, or your childhood home.
Illan kuluessa meille kaikille tuli taas nalka. Ei kun vaan pizzatilaus menemaan! Hyppasin autoon ja tulihan sielta hantakarpanenkin mukaan. Matkalla tama kyseinen hantakarpanen sanoi minulle " Emppu, eiko olekkin kiva, etta me olemme nain hyvia ystavia, vaikka olenkin sinua 13 vuotta nuorempi ?". Voih, totta se on. Ei ystavyys ikaa katso.
Of course, everybody was hungry. We orderd pizza! I jumped to the car and went to get it. Along with me came one of the girls. She told me on our way there " Emppu, is it fun that we are just a good friends, even there is 13 years between us?" Yes, its true. The friendship doesn't look the age.
Lasten leikkiessa, rupatellessa, kukkia ihastellessa ja kuvatessa ilta vierahti nopeasti. Kylla tuolla kukkien keskella on niin mukava olla. On niin monen varista ja kokosta ja hajusta jne.... vahemmastakin menee sekaisin ja paahan nousee, kun siella kavelee ja katselee ja nuuhkailee....
Aah, it was so fun to walk around the flowers, look, touch, smell them and take pictures...there were so many different kinds, different colours, different smells....there is no question why you get mixed up and it goes to your head if you are smelling flowers many hours :)
Kukkia kuvaillessa oli kiva miettia, miten ne voikaan olla niin erilaisia jokainen? Kuitenkin kaikilla on juuret ja mullassa kasvaa. Varsi, jonka paassa on kukkanen tai sitten varresta lahtee ulokkeita joka suuntaan, ja jokaisen ulokkeen paassa on kukkanen? Ja viela eri varisiakin. Ja kokoisia. Ja ravinnoksi ne tarvitsee vain vetta. Toiset roikkuu ja toiset taas terhakkaana posottaa ylospain, kohti taivasta. Mun lempikukaksi tuli tana iltana tuo oranssikukka (kuva ylla). Niin kaunis, vangitsee silman HETI, mutta hei, pakko sanoo ,etten edes haistellu sita. Parempi ois tuoksuaki hyvalle. Tuossa ylla olevassa kuvassa on ihan hassu kukka. Mullan rajassa kasvaa lehdet. Lehdet ovat muodostaneet "pesan". Pesan keskelta nousee korkeuksiin yksi heina, joka on tosissaa pitka. Jos tommoinen kasvaisi mun kukkapenkissa, ni ainaki se heina lahtis pois, rikkaruohoksihan mina sita luulisin...mut naistaki ihmiset tykkaa. Mut voin ma sen sanoa, et mun kukkapenkis ei tuu tata rikkaruohoa kasvamaan, kuten arvata saattaa...vaan mina taytan penkkini oranssilla kukalla.....aah...miten raikas!
How come all the flowers are so different? Each one of them has roots and grow in the soil. Every single of them has one flower or more in the end. And different colours and different shapes, sizes. And all they eat is water. Some of them are hanging down and other ones are fighting who is gets closest to the sky. My favourite flower was the orange one (picture above). It is sooooo beautiful, it is eye-catcher.But hey, I have to say that I didn't even smell it. It better smell good...
Kuten tiedatte, farmarit raatavat yota paivaa, varsinkin sesonkiaikaan. Joskus taytyy levahtaa, saada nukkua edes se 5tuntia, jotta jaksaa uurastaa taas seuraavana paivana. Jaksaa jaksaa :)
Se on ihan sama, mennaanko me niille kylaan 3lta iltapaivalla tai 7lta illalla, koska me ei ikina osata lahtea heilta ajoissa pois. Mutta eihan sita kesken juttujen voi livistaa...? ..kuten tallakin kertaa, kello laheni kahtatoista, kun ma silmat ristissa kotia ajelin...mutta hymy vaan leveenty suupielissa, kun ajattelin miten mukava on kantaa nukkuvat lapset autosta omaan sankyyn (niimpa vissiin..).
Ehka ma olin sen verran kukka hoperossa, etta taisin sen kantamisenkin tehda hymyssa suin.
As you perhaps know, farmers work day and night. At least then when its season time. Sometimes you have to take a rest, try to get even 5hours of sleep, that you have energy to run around next day.
Anyways, it doesn't matter do we go visit there 3pm or 7pm. We don't know how to leave early. But how you can go if you have so much fun talking....?????? as it happens this time too, it was already midnight when I left.But I had a big grin in my face, while driving. I couldn't wait to get home and carry kids to their beds (ya right.)
I guess I was little mixed up by those flowers, because I carry them inside with a smile.
As you perhaps know, farmers work day and night. At least then when its season time. Sometimes you have to take a rest, try to get even 5hours of sleep, that you have energy to run around next day.
Anyways, it doesn't matter do we go visit there 3pm or 7pm. We don't know how to leave early. But how you can go if you have so much fun talking....?????? as it happens this time too, it was already midnight when I left.But I had a big grin in my face, while driving. I couldn't wait to get home and carry kids to their beds (ya right.)
I guess I was little mixed up by those flowers, because I carry them inside with a smile.
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