Yes, it was. It's actually started already on Monday. Wait, No, Sunday. So, on the weekend my dear volvo started to do his own tricks! Didn't want to go forward anymore...just slowed down while pressing the gas..hmm.And then I had to give him a little break and TRY to start the dear car again, it even started or not. He is getting old, I know. He is already 14 years old.
Sunday (pst. I know its not good to work on Sundays but sometimes you have to!) Brian fixed the car, changed something I don't remember what, but I was watching him and yelling to be safe, because he was lying under the car with only couple of puu polkkyys to keeping it up. I can just I can't!crazy.
So Monday morning I was full of energy and ready to go with the boys to the Walmart. We got 5km down the road and my car just slowly started to slow down...and. I had to stop.But luckily my dear volvo listened me so well, because I told him, that please, bring us back home, I don't want to walk! So he brought me back home. And I am scared to go anywhere with it! I am stuck at home. What ever, he has been just a pleasant to us..he has seen a lot..New York, Florida, Pennsylvenia, Niagara, Sudbury GTA......and we haven't done absolutely nothing major things for it. I will post a picture of him, before I SELL IT. Because we made a plan (I hope it comes true.) This coming weekend we are going to shop a new vehicle!JIHAA. Let's see how good deals they give to me. I will be hard on questioning and asking for better offers up to their limits. Yes, to their limits.
But don't tap your hands yet. I won't buy anything fancy, HUGE, 1000- horsepower owning car. Just a nice 7 or 8seated passenger van what will be my dear daily friend for next..5 years, at least! So let's get back to the cars next weekend (ou yeah and I will post picture of my old dear volvo also).
But don't tap your hands yet. I won't buy anything fancy, HUGE, 1000- horsepower owning car. Just a nice 7 or 8seated passenger van what will be my dear daily friend for next..5 years, at least! So let's get back to the cars next weekend (ou yeah and I will post picture of my old dear volvo also).
Miun rakas jokapaivainen ystavani teki mulle tepposet viikonloppuna...Eihan ystava saa luovuttaa hadassa? Tama jatka teki niin. Nimittain mun rakas autoni! Kesken ajomatkan vaan hiljentaa vauhtia kunnes sammuu. Voi elama. Ei auta, kun paastaa auto elakkeelle tai autojen hautausmaalle. Kumpi kuulostaa paremmalle? Onhan silla jo auton ika melkein taynna, 14vuotta. Brian yritti korjailla sita sunnuntaina, mut en maa maanantaina silla kovin pitkalle paassyt. 5km vaan talon pihasta. Siina autoa taputtellessa ja rukoillessa etta se viela starttaisi ja veisi minut ja pojat kotiin (oltiin menossa Walmarttiin) ni kyllahan poika starttasi ja matkaan lahettiin. Tuossa se on nyt vuorokauden seissyt, liikahtamatta. Vois varmaan ottaa vakuutuksetkin kohta pois, ko mita sita vakuuttaa, kun paikallaan seisoo? Ottakoot rosvot jos ottavat! Eika, kylla ma sen myyntiin laitan, kerta itekkii oon ostanu sen. Mahtava palvelija on ollut kylla, en valita yhtaan! Mut tulevana viikonloppuna kayn ostamassa uuden palvelijan, joka tulee palvelemaan meita seuraavat 5vuotta? tai enemman. VAPISKAA AUTOKAUPAT!!!Ma en lahe kotia ennen ko mulla on hyva paperi taskussa ja mahtava diili kaikkinen lisaosineen ja varusteineen alla!
Tama tehosekoitin on kylla mita parhain! Eilen illalla kipusin Brianin tyoautoon lasten kanssa ja huristeltiin Walmarttiin ja jatettiin mies lukemaan laksyjaan...kaupasta tarttui tallainen tehosekoitin jota ollaan kaytetty het 3kertaa jo vuorokauden aikana! Niin huippu peli, etta se tulee kuluttamaan sahkoa meidan talossa kuluvana kesana joka paiva ainaki 5kertaa!!!!!Huippu vehe!
Jillian is a BigKahuna tomorrow. She has share and tell time. Her topic tomorrow is "Signs of Spring". She is going to bring her sun glasses, Easter grass and coloured butterfly :)! That's her spring. She wanted to bring bike to the school too, but I told her next time then. I talked with teacher today and yes, she is awesome. I hope she is Jillian's teacher next year or continues as a Kindergarten teacher for Tristan. I absolutely love her...the greatest teacher I have ever met. I think and hope there is other ones too, but what a great start for the little one to have just a loving and supporting teacher? Have I ever told her that? Yes I have, many times...
Okei, I am ready to go to the bed now. This morning was crazy in every ways. Boys were fighting and I was tired on. So we had a 20minytes reading time and that helped! After that boys went to outside to play and I cleaned the living room and the kitchen! And everything were good. But believe or not, 12hours ago there wasn't any extra toy or thing in the living room. I just walked there and I saw 13 things on a floor what doesn't belong to the living room. Yes, they are toys. Sometimes I ask myself why I even clean? because soon it will look same then as it was before. Yes it will but...I was able to clean my mess too and now there is our EASTER decoration (with jillian little bunny). We are ready for EASTER :)!
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