Okei, I have done little organizing (again!) in our household! The children's books were on my hands today! Kids know it already that every week (or everyday) I change something, what ever it could be; furniture, curtains, books, clothes, toys.... And they manage it very well.
And I have got a friend already, Jillian! Many times she tells me these super cute ideas, how we should arrange something differently, yes, she is my daughter :)!
Jotenka, lasten kirjat sai tanaan uuden ilmeen! Ne on itseasiassa hyva kayda lapi usein, tulee korjattua rikkinaiset kirjat, heitettya pois kirjat, jotka ovat ihan kappaleina (sita ei kylla usein tapahdu meidan talossa, pakko myontaa!). Mulla on ollut aika monta erilaista jarjestysta kirjojen osalta. Ma en yksinkertaisesti kesta kahtoo, jos kirjat ovat lattialla ja tyhja hylly vieressa. Onhan se hyva etta niita luetaan, totta kai. Mutta monesti se on menny vain siihen et otetaan kaikki hyllysta alas (en tiia onko muilla ollu tata ongelmaa mut meilla on :), ja sinne ne jaa..!
So kid's books! It's actually good to go thru them once in a while. You get to fix the broken books and put to the garbage " the nothing left- books" (this doesn't happen too often in our household, I have to say.) I have had many different ways to keep them. I just can't stand when they are all over the floor and the self is empty! Argh. Of course, its good that kids read them, but many times I think that its just lazyness. It is as easy to put them back there where you took it, right? And, the 7months old baby does his own things too ;)! Okei, I have had couple different ideas in past half a year:
1) The books were at kids room. And they were always at the floor. Anytime when I organized them back to the selves, they were down shortly after. Okei, I didn't feel like looking the books on the floor so I moved them 2) to the basement. It wasn't a good move. Kids didn't want to stay down there, they took their hands full of books and came upstairs. So now we had books everywhere. And of course, what wasn't upstairs was on a basement floor :). So I took all the books and put them to my own storage area. I bought bookbasket and put it to the living room. Every Monday I changed 12-15 books to it. Now it was easy! Easy to take, read and clean! wow! that was good thing to do. Now they have learned little bit how to clean books, so I emptied the cabinet in the living room and pit all the kid's books there :) Now they are nice and close..and behind the doors :) and in the living room!
Nyt on taas kiva lapsilla lukea!
Niin ja tohon ylempaan laatikkoon laitoin askartelu, maalaus, varitysjuttuja ihan tallaiseen jokapaivaiseen kayttoon :) Nyt ne ovat helposti otettavissa, kun itse tekee ruokaa tai viikkaa pyykkia! Joko antaa kirjan kateen tai kynaa ja paperia :)!
Pst. Kirjat eivat ole aakkosjarjestyksessa, vaikka meinasin ne ensiksi laittaa.
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