Saturday, February 23, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Minun 5-vuotias poika! My 5-years old boy!
Meilla oli synttarit! Ja olipas ne vasta synttarit!
Viime viikolla perjantai-illasta lauantaihin. Talo oli taynna poikia.
Ja Tristan taytti 5-vuotta!!!
Onnea mun rakkaalle pojalle!!!
Kuvat kertoo kaiken, pojilla oli lystia ja tekemista riitti!
Pizzaparty alkaa...
We had a Birthday-party and was it ever a party! The house was full of boys and our Dear Tristan was happy 5-years old <3.
Who wouldn't like to have few friends for sleepover?
These pictures tell everything, they had fun!
And we started fun with Pizzaparty...
We had a Birthday-party and was it ever a party! The house was full of boys and our Dear Tristan was happy 5-years old <3.
Who wouldn't like to have few friends for sleepover?
These pictures tell everything, they had fun!
And we started fun with Pizzaparty...
Talo oli taynna palomiehia :)
Oli turvallista olla.
Our house was filled with Firefighters.
I felt really safe.
Our house was filled with Firefighters.
I felt really safe.
Pojat kavivat Lauantai aamuna pilkilla Brianin kanssa...takaisin tuli punaposkisia poikia syomaan lounasta seka avaamaan yllatyspaketit!
On Saturday morning boys went ice fishing with Brian (who came home that morning at 7am ;)) After couple hours they came back to have a lunch and open the surprise bags!
On Saturday morning boys went ice fishing with Brian (who came home that morning at 7am ;)) After couple hours they came back to have a lunch and open the surprise bags!
Sitten aukaistiin lahjat...
Then it was Tristan's turn to open all the presents...
Then it was Tristan's turn to open all the presents...
Ja syotiin kakkua,
Kakkuja oli perati kaksi. Illalla syotiin toista, kun kummit, kaveriperhe ja mummu (Tiina-mummu oli kaymassa!!!) seka Vicky (Brianin sisko) ja hanen pikkutyttonsa tulivat synttarikahveille.
Tristan sai ekaa kertaa mummun synttareilleen <3!
Actually there were two of them. One for the boys and one for the evening when Godparents, friends and grandma (Tristan's Grandma were able to be first time at his Birthday, was it ever special for him <3)
Kakkuja oli perati kaksi. Illalla syotiin toista, kun kummit, kaveriperhe ja mummu (Tiina-mummu oli kaymassa!!!) seka Vicky (Brianin sisko) ja hanen pikkutyttonsa tulivat synttarikahveille.
Tristan sai ekaa kertaa mummun synttareilleen <3!
Actually there were two of them. One for the boys and one for the evening when Godparents, friends and grandma (Tristan's Grandma were able to be first time at his Birthday, was it ever special for him <3)
Siina han on.
Aitin rakkaus pakkaus <3
Vanhin poikani.
Iloinen. Lempea. Touhukas.
Miettelias. Ajattelevainen.
Ujo. Nauravainen. Reipas.
Herkka. Tahtisilma.
I love you so so much, Tristan. <3
I love you so so much, Tristan. <3
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Ystavanpaivareissu :) Valentine's Day Trip
Brian oli taas kaksi viikkoa poissa, tyoreissulla Vancouverissa. Eilen aamulla aikaiseen tuli takaisin...siitapa lisaa sitten myohemmin...Mut mukavaa kun on taas perhe yhdella koolla!
Kun mies on reissussa ni taytyyhan sita touhuta vaikka sun mita..."kissa poissa niin hiiret hyppivat poydalla." :)
Keskiviikkona Brianin aiti tuli kaymaan taalla Albertasta :) vahan kiva kun lapsilla on mummu elamassa lasna viikon verran! Pienia iloja elamaan! Keskiviikko-iltana oltiin sitten kahvittelemassa Brianin mummulassa, niin Brianin sisko laitto viestia Arizonasta " Hei, loysin hyvalla hinnalla liput, tulisin sinne viikoksi, kuka vois tulla hakeen Buffalosta?" Ja mehan lahettiin!
Torstai aamuna lasten kanssa pakattiin auto ja kohti Buffaloa huristeltiin (n.3h)...paiva vietettiin eri ostoskeskuksissa seka Targetissa, vaha meilla oli mukavaa seikkailla. HUOM. Seikkailla. Lasten yleisin kysymys oli "Aiti, oox saa taas eksyny?" Haha, kyl ma nyt osaan ajaa Buffalossa viela paremmin ko viime kerralla!!!!Niin monta uukkaria ja harhaanajoa tehtiin, mutta olihan meilla hauskaa!!!!
YEAH! Brian came home last night from the work trip to Vancouver....we are loving having him home after being two weeks is back together <3 ~ aaaand on Wednesday Brian's mother came here for a week and our extempore visitor - Brian's sister from Arizona!
On Thursday morning we packed up our car and started driving towards Buffalo...:) we spent a day there shopping at the malls and Target, driving around (pst. got lost million times) kids most comment was " Mom, are we lost again?"Hahaa, it was funny!But I definately know how to drive there way better then last time ..:)
And yes we surely had good time!!!
Targetissa on tallaiset tosi siistit ostoskarryt! Mahtuu koko meidan perhe siihen ja kaikilla on hauskaa!!!! WOW, tykkaan ihan sikana! Mut ku siel kaupassa huristelee ni ihan ko junalla ajais!
Ilta alkoi laheneta ja me huristeltiin lentokentan lahettyvilla olevaan Tim Hortonsiin, tehtiin itsellemme oma kiva nurkkaus ja tilattiin iltapalaa ja kaivettiin kaupasta ostamat legot esille ....TADAA:
I love this shopping cart in Target!!!!Our whole family fits there! But it surely felt like driving a train! The evening came closer so we started driving closer to the airport, we found Tim Horton's where we settled to the corner with evening snack and new legos from Target....:
Vahan meilla oli kivaa koota ja herkutella.... kunnes lahettiin hakemaan matkalaisia lentokentalta!
Kotia paastiin aamuyon tunneilla...olipas se taas reissu, muistorikas sellainen <3
Oh, it was a good time! I love to do these trips with kids...they enjoy it too a lot! We were at home in morning hours....but yes, one day we are doing in again. For sure!!!:)
Brian oli taas kaksi viikkoa poissa, tyoreissulla Vancouverissa. Eilen aamulla aikaiseen tuli takaisin...siitapa lisaa sitten myohemmin...Mut mukavaa kun on taas perhe yhdella koolla!
Kun mies on reissussa ni taytyyhan sita touhuta vaikka sun mita..."kissa poissa niin hiiret hyppivat poydalla." :)
Keskiviikkona Brianin aiti tuli kaymaan taalla Albertasta :) vahan kiva kun lapsilla on mummu elamassa lasna viikon verran! Pienia iloja elamaan! Keskiviikko-iltana oltiin sitten kahvittelemassa Brianin mummulassa, niin Brianin sisko laitto viestia Arizonasta " Hei, loysin hyvalla hinnalla liput, tulisin sinne viikoksi, kuka vois tulla hakeen Buffalosta?" Ja mehan lahettiin!
Torstai aamuna lasten kanssa pakattiin auto ja kohti Buffaloa huristeltiin (n.3h)...paiva vietettiin eri ostoskeskuksissa seka Targetissa, vaha meilla oli mukavaa seikkailla. HUOM. Seikkailla. Lasten yleisin kysymys oli "Aiti, oox saa taas eksyny?" Haha, kyl ma nyt osaan ajaa Buffalossa viela paremmin ko viime kerralla!!!!Niin monta uukkaria ja harhaanajoa tehtiin, mutta olihan meilla hauskaa!!!!
YEAH! Brian came home last night from the work trip to Vancouver....we are loving having him home after being two weeks is back together <3 ~ aaaand on Wednesday Brian's mother came here for a week and our extempore visitor - Brian's sister from Arizona!
On Thursday morning we packed up our car and started driving towards Buffalo...:) we spent a day there shopping at the malls and Target, driving around (pst. got lost million times) kids most comment was " Mom, are we lost again?"Hahaa, it was funny!But I definately know how to drive there way better then last time ..:)
And yes we surely had good time!!!
Targetissa on tallaiset tosi siistit ostoskarryt! Mahtuu koko meidan perhe siihen ja kaikilla on hauskaa!!!! WOW, tykkaan ihan sikana! Mut ku siel kaupassa huristelee ni ihan ko junalla ajais!
Ilta alkoi laheneta ja me huristeltiin lentokentan lahettyvilla olevaan Tim Hortonsiin, tehtiin itsellemme oma kiva nurkkaus ja tilattiin iltapalaa ja kaivettiin kaupasta ostamat legot esille ....TADAA:
I love this shopping cart in Target!!!!Our whole family fits there! But it surely felt like driving a train! The evening came closer so we started driving closer to the airport, we found Tim Horton's where we settled to the corner with evening snack and new legos from Target....:
Vahan meilla oli kivaa koota ja herkutella.... kunnes lahettiin hakemaan matkalaisia lentokentalta!
Kotia paastiin aamuyon tunneilla...olipas se taas reissu, muistorikas sellainen <3
Oh, it was a good time! I love to do these trips with kids...they enjoy it too a lot! We were at home in morning hours....but yes, one day we are doing in again. For sure!!!:)
Friday, February 15, 2013
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Hyvaa Ystavanpaivaa Teille kaikille rakkaille Ystavillemme <3
Onneksi olette olemassa ja jakamassa elamaa kanssamme.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of our Dear Friends <3.
We are so thankful for having You part of our life.
Ystavanpaivana haluan myos kertoa iloisen uutisen.
Jos kaikki hyvin menee loppuun asti,
niin heinakuun alussa meille syntyy pikkuinen vauva <3
I would like to share a Happy News with You today also.
If everything goes well til end, in early July we will have a little baby in our family.
It's SO exciting <3!
Mr/Ms cutie
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Meilla ollaan prinsessa-kuningatar taiteen parissa nykyaan :) Tallaisia piirustuksia loytyy ympari taloa:
We are painting/drawing princess-queen things now days :) I find these kind of pictures every where in our house.
So Sweet <3
We are painting/drawing princess-queen things now days :) I find these kind of pictures every where in our house.
So Sweet <3
Jillian teki pari kuukautta sitten ensimmaisen esitelman kouluun.
Taytyi itse etsia tietoa (kirjoista tai internetista) ja koota kaikki tarkea ja tarvittava tieto paperille kuvan kanssa. Iso juttu 6vuotiaalle!
Tanaan tuli esitelma takaisin, opettajan arvion kanssa.
Jillian sai B-numeron (A on paras).
Couple of months ago Jillian did her BRIDGE- presentation (first presentation ever!!!) to school.
She had to find all the information by herself and write what is the most important about it.
It was a HUUUGE thing to do for 6-years old!
Today the presentation came back home with the teacher's note:
She got number B (A is the best)
Taytyi itse etsia tietoa (kirjoista tai internetista) ja koota kaikki tarkea ja tarvittava tieto paperille kuvan kanssa. Iso juttu 6vuotiaalle!
Tanaan tuli esitelma takaisin, opettajan arvion kanssa.
Jillian sai B-numeron (A on paras).
Couple of months ago Jillian did her BRIDGE- presentation (first presentation ever!!!) to school.
She had to find all the information by herself and write what is the most important about it.
It was a HUUUGE thing to do for 6-years old!
Today the presentation came back home with the teacher's note:
She got number B (A is the best)
Saturday, February 9, 2013
EHL=Eliel's Hard Life
I thought that Thursday night when he fall and passed out and had a 5minutes seizure -moment was a scary enough. We even had an ambulance here. Other kids were pumped, to see all the lights and sirens on :) they thought it was sooo cool! hmm. I didn't. But good thing was, that we didn't have to go to the hospital. It's his temper. He just does it til he learns to talk and say out load his expressions. Our other kids have been like that too, except Seba. He has a different temper :). That wasn't the first time for him. BUT, hopefully the last one.
Anyways. That was quite a experience again.
But then Friday night he got a 39 fever. Oh mine. And no fever medication in the house....what ever...can't go anywhere, because Jillian is tight of breathing and there is crazy snowstorm (by the way, we got over 40cm of snow!!!), and I absolutely don't feel start digging my car under the snow and go to the slippery roads with all of our kids (Brian wasn't home). . . I decided to S.T.A.Y A.T H.O.M.E. and so we did. We gathered at the boys room; Eliel reading a (great!!!) Nora Robert's book with me, Jillian "studying" some spelling (because Friday was a snow day and she needs to learn new things everyday, right?) and boys playing with there small cars on a car mat. Wonderful. Perfect. Great way to spend a evening! We all liked it!
Saturday morning came, everything looked ok til noon.. Then it happened (this scenery has happened million times) but this time there was bad luck! Poor Eliel tried to stand up under a kitchen table.. Hit his head on a bench and his SHARP tooth went thru his lip and there was a really deep cut on his bottom lip! Oh, mom's heart were pumping million miles per hour. What should I do now? Just to let you know ones again, We are SUPER LUCKY to have the best neighbours ever, I called them and the neighbour man to came check his lip and said " You better go to the hospital to get some stitches." Also he was SOOOO KIIINNNNDDDD to take other kids to their place and off to the hospital Eliel and me went.
Luckily after an half an hour the bleeding stopped but he didn't stop eating his lip. Yak, I hated it. So I had to keep my finger in his mouth so he doesn't bite his lips and make it to bleeding again.
There he is <3 poor little man. After five hours waiting to see the was hard to try keep him in the room because he absolutely loved to go check out the nurse station! (pst. look at his fat lip <3)
Finally he fall asleep in my lap. Soon after that the doctor came and told us to get ready for operation.
Aww, and here he is after a operation. Good to go back home! He was so brave!I am so proud of my little man! So home we go after 6 hrs in the hospital and 3 stitches later.
Ops! Just before bed time I did something really bad (hopefully in the end it was good mistake!) I broke Eliel's LAST bottle! Yikes. Let's see how the night is gonna go! I have already changed his diaper ones (I bought one size too small diapers for him, so its overloading fast!) and sang him few songs and rock him.... Huoh. This is NOT Eliel's weekend. But let's put our hopes up high. There is still Sunday :)!
I thought that Thursday night when he fall and passed out and had a 5minutes seizure -moment was a scary enough. We even had an ambulance here. Other kids were pumped, to see all the lights and sirens on :) they thought it was sooo cool! hmm. I didn't. But good thing was, that we didn't have to go to the hospital. It's his temper. He just does it til he learns to talk and say out load his expressions. Our other kids have been like that too, except Seba. He has a different temper :). That wasn't the first time for him. BUT, hopefully the last one.
Anyways. That was quite a experience again.
But then Friday night he got a 39 fever. Oh mine. And no fever medication in the house....what ever...can't go anywhere, because Jillian is tight of breathing and there is crazy snowstorm (by the way, we got over 40cm of snow!!!), and I absolutely don't feel start digging my car under the snow and go to the slippery roads with all of our kids (Brian wasn't home). . . I decided to S.T.A.Y A.T H.O.M.E. and so we did. We gathered at the boys room; Eliel reading a (great!!!) Nora Robert's book with me, Jillian "studying" some spelling (because Friday was a snow day and she needs to learn new things everyday, right?) and boys playing with there small cars on a car mat. Wonderful. Perfect. Great way to spend a evening! We all liked it!
Saturday morning came, everything looked ok til noon.. Then it happened (this scenery has happened million times) but this time there was bad luck! Poor Eliel tried to stand up under a kitchen table.. Hit his head on a bench and his SHARP tooth went thru his lip and there was a really deep cut on his bottom lip! Oh, mom's heart were pumping million miles per hour. What should I do now? Just to let you know ones again, We are SUPER LUCKY to have the best neighbours ever, I called them and the neighbour man to came check his lip and said " You better go to the hospital to get some stitches." Also he was SOOOO KIIINNNNDDDD to take other kids to their place and off to the hospital Eliel and me went.
Luckily after an half an hour the bleeding stopped but he didn't stop eating his lip. Yak, I hated it. So I had to keep my finger in his mouth so he doesn't bite his lips and make it to bleeding again.
There he is <3 poor little man. After five hours waiting to see the was hard to try keep him in the room because he absolutely loved to go check out the nurse station! (pst. look at his fat lip <3)
Finally he fall asleep in my lap. Soon after that the doctor came and told us to get ready for operation.
Aww, and here he is after a operation. Good to go back home! He was so brave!I am so proud of my little man! So home we go after 6 hrs in the hospital and 3 stitches later.
Ops! Just before bed time I did something really bad (hopefully in the end it was good mistake!) I broke Eliel's LAST bottle! Yikes. Let's see how the night is gonna go! I have already changed his diaper ones (I bought one size too small diapers for him, so its overloading fast!) and sang him few songs and rock him.... Huoh. This is NOT Eliel's weekend. But let's put our hopes up high. There is still Sunday :)!
But the weather was gorgeous today and kids had a blast outside building forts and enjoying beautiful sunshine in -10 weather <3 wishing that tomorrow is the same!
And SUNDAY came :)!
He didn't wake up not even once and now he is smily little man with a big lip :)!
Friday, February 8, 2013
Lumipaiva/Snow day
" Aiti, enaa kuusi yota niin tulee kevat!" - sanoi Tristan, kun juoksi koulubussilta sisalle eilen. " Aiti, mika se kevat oikeesti on?" " Sitten kun me ollaan nukuttu kuusi yota, niin sitten on enaa viisi yota, sitte nelja, sitten kolme, sitten kaksi, sitten yksi ja sitten on kevat! Ja kaikki lumet lentaa takaisin taivaalle ja me paastaan ajamaan pyorilla!" - Tristan jatkoi silmat loistaen.
Ihana Ajatus Ihanalta Pojalta <3.
Toivottavasti nain kay. Nimittain viime yona satoi 20cm lunta ja lisaa vaan tuiskuaa! "Lumipaiva" koululaisilla, joten pitka viikonloppu edessa :)! Jillianilla meinaa olla hengitys ahtaalla, mutta jospas se tasta parantuis ilman sairaalareissua.
" Mom, only six more nights till Spring!? -said Tristan yesterday when he ran home from the school bus. " Mom, what is the Spring?" " We have to sleep the 6th night first, then its only 5 left, then four, then three, then two and finally one. Then Spring is here! All the snow will fly back to the sky and we can drive our bikes! - Tristan continues with his eyes shining.
Cute Thought from the Cute Boy <3.
I wish wish wish this will happen! Last night we got 20cm of snow and more is coming, more is coming! Kids have a snow day, so long weekend ahead :)! Hopefully Jillian gets better too, her breathing is little tight right now...and I don't really want to go to the hospital for the weekend with her. Let's hope to best!
Ihana Ajatus Ihanalta Pojalta <3.
Toivottavasti nain kay. Nimittain viime yona satoi 20cm lunta ja lisaa vaan tuiskuaa! "Lumipaiva" koululaisilla, joten pitka viikonloppu edessa :)! Jillianilla meinaa olla hengitys ahtaalla, mutta jospas se tasta parantuis ilman sairaalareissua.
" Mom, only six more nights till Spring!? -said Tristan yesterday when he ran home from the school bus. " Mom, what is the Spring?" " We have to sleep the 6th night first, then its only 5 left, then four, then three, then two and finally one. Then Spring is here! All the snow will fly back to the sky and we can drive our bikes! - Tristan continues with his eyes shining.
Cute Thought from the Cute Boy <3.
I wish wish wish this will happen! Last night we got 20cm of snow and more is coming, more is coming! Kids have a snow day, so long weekend ahead :)! Hopefully Jillian gets better too, her breathing is little tight right now...and I don't really want to go to the hospital for the weekend with her. Let's hope to best!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Sinne meni!
Sinne se meni. Ja menipas muuten nopsaan!
Tamakin paiva. Keskiviikosta siirrytaan Torstaihin ja viikonloppuun erittain nopeasti! Waude wou...tanaan sain kylla totisesti tuntea kevaan tunteen <3. Oltiin poikien kanssa lenkilla, talla kertaa ystavani kanssa hanen kotimaisemissa. Mukavasti -12 asteen pakkasessa rattaita tyonneltiin ja ihailtiin luontoa silmat siiruina auringon paistaessa voimakkaasti! Kyl taa on hienoo taa lopputalvi :) siina samalla tuli paranneltua maailmaa seka selvitettya mita TERVEENA OLO oikeasti sisaltaa? Olipas mukavat keskustelut!!!Kiitos :) Lenkkeillaan taas!
Talo taas hiljeni. Lapset sangyn pohjalla mukavasti pannareilla taytettyina (hah, kuulostaapa kivalta tuo lause!!). Nyt on taas aika ottaa rennosti! Muistakaahan tekin ottaa iisisti!
Tamakin paiva. Keskiviikosta siirrytaan Torstaihin ja viikonloppuun erittain nopeasti! Waude wou...tanaan sain kylla totisesti tuntea kevaan tunteen <3. Oltiin poikien kanssa lenkilla, talla kertaa ystavani kanssa hanen kotimaisemissa. Mukavasti -12 asteen pakkasessa rattaita tyonneltiin ja ihailtiin luontoa silmat siiruina auringon paistaessa voimakkaasti! Kyl taa on hienoo taa lopputalvi :) siina samalla tuli paranneltua maailmaa seka selvitettya mita TERVEENA OLO oikeasti sisaltaa? Olipas mukavat keskustelut!!!Kiitos :) Lenkkeillaan taas!
Talo taas hiljeni. Lapset sangyn pohjalla mukavasti pannareilla taytettyina (hah, kuulostaapa kivalta tuo lause!!). Nyt on taas aika ottaa rennosti! Muistakaahan tekin ottaa iisisti!
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Like I said earlier...
...Our tummies are full of homemade buns!!!
Aah, they tasted so so good!!!
I think the trick this time was the extra large oatmeals what I used.
Any experience???
Also we got Jillian's project done.
Somehow I just LOVE rainbow. Colours.
Makes you smile.
Good Night Everybody!
Ne ovat kylla niin turkasen hyvia ettei mitaan jarkea!
Siis kotitekoiset sampylat! Hotkastiin kylla jokainen niin monta poskeen et varmasti nukuttaa aamuun asti! Siis ihan vesi kielelle tulee ko kattoo tota kuvaa taas :)!
Jillianin kouluprojektikin saatiin tehtya.
Rakastan sateenkaarta. Ne varit.
Tulee ihan iloiselle mielelle ko kattoo!
Hyvat Yot Kaikille!
Runebergin Paiva.
Mukavaa Runebergin Paivaa kaikille!
Iso kuppi teeta ja IKEAN uusi kuvasto! Silla tama aamupaiva lahtee kayntiin!
Lapset koulussa, talo siivottu, Eliel paikkareilla...niin nyt me rentoudutaan Seban kanssa!
Aamulla suunniteltiin jo lasten kanssa illaksi ohjelma;
Lahdetaan ruuan jalkeen Dollarikaupan kautta kirjastoon. Illan lapset saavat askarrella "100paivaa koulua takana"- teemaan juttuja kun aiti leipoo aamuisesta ylijaama kaurapuurosta sampyloita iltapalaksi. Ja sangyssa sitten luetaan uusia, ihmeellisia kirjoja, kunnes Nukkumatti tulee.
Taytyy viela mainita etta meilla oli ihana viikonloppu takana! Lauantaina oltiin "minileirilla" Brianin kanssa kirkolla muiden nuorten parien kanssa. Oli ihana paiva ~ aika meni niiiiin nopeasti! Sunnuntaina kylailimme ystaviemme kanssa, jotka syksylla muutti Suomesta tanne Kanadaan....juttua ois riittany. Sita muuten ois riittany!!!! Taytyy jatkaa tassa joku paiva (ilman miehia ;) hihih.)
Happy Runeberg's Day Everyone!!!
I know i know. It doesn't tell anything to you :)....its a finnish celebration day and if you like to find out more, go check it out from here: J.L Runeberg's Day.
A HUGE cup of tea and a new IKEA magazine! Great way to start today!
Kids are off to school, Eliel having a nap, house is its time to relax for me and Seba!
The day is planned. We did it this morning with kids. When they come home, we eat and off to the library we go + we stop at the Dollarama. Kids will do some crafts to the school, on Thursday they have 100th day of school! And while they are working hard, I will do some oatmeal buns for evening snack.. Sounds good.. the best part of this is that kids have planned it all! I just go with a flow! Sometimes I like it....
Okey, now I have to go before my tea gets cold!
Friday, February 1, 2013
The 30th of January.
It was the day I got my Canadian Citizen.
What a day it was.
The whole day was great!!!
My dear family was big part of it!
As they are, always <3.
So, on our way to the Ceremony, Jillian yelled from the back seat:
"My tooth fell out!"
Believe or not.
It did :)!
We left early so we could be there early.
I hate to be late.
I like to be on time.
Or too early.
Actually being too early is the get to watch the people, enjoy life, look around and LIVE!!!!
Of course kids gets busy while waiting....
....The gum pack is actually a good idea.
It keeps them busy for few minutes :)
So finally we got into the Ceremony room.
There were 88 people who got Citizenships.
From 46 different countries.
Can you say that Canada is the land of the immigrants?
That place hasCitizen Ceremonies every day. Actually twice per day.
+ all the other places in Canada.
Canada is made by immigrants.
And I am part of that.
Here everybody is sitting nicely.
And just to let you know.
No more pictures of the ceremony. Why?
Brian had to leave with Eliel who made too much noise. How you can tell 16months old to be quiet, who just gets more excited more you ask him to do that :) hah.
We said the Oath of Citizen and sang O Canada.
the Ceremony was over and Brian was able to come back inside with Eliel.
WE TRIED. WE TRIED. to get couple of pictures of kids and me.
Didn't work out that well!
The flag is on the way, kids are looking all over the place or Eliel pulls Tristan's hair and made him cry.
Then I laughed.
No more.
That's it.
the Ceremony was over and Brian was able to come back inside with Eliel.
WE TRIED. WE TRIED. to get couple of pictures of kids and me.
Didn't work out that well!
The flag is on the way, kids are looking all over the place or Eliel pulls Tristan's hair and made him cry.
Then I laughed.
No more.
That's it.
The judge and me.
Absolutely incredible women! She told her story to us.
She is also an immigrant. What a wonderful life she have had.
And all what she wanted us to remember was:
1. To be proud of being canadian.
2. Make miracles every day.
After a great Ceremony we went to eat out!
Tried the Lone Star, first time!
It is a Texas Grill Restaurant.
The food was amazing! It was soo delicious!
And kids had fun, but there was ONE MINUS.
they were little too slow.
Too slow for the customers with kids.
Even though kids were able to see and do many things there.
Next time I would go there just with Brian or with friends.
Look at that steak.
They also gave kids a dough to play with.
This little man is little too much.
I could eat him.
He is so special.
...So funny.
...So noise.
...So loved.
By all of us.
And he loves us all.
You can tell!!!
He loves to get all the attention!!!
And he gets it!!!!
And again.
We haven't shop at the mall as a family for LOOONG TIME!
That evening we did.
(Now I smile) it was fun, again!
(Sounds like I am writing word FUN all the time?)
Kids got to do just a special thing!
They were able to skateboard in a store!!!
And how often you are able to do that?
The sales associates asked us "is it ok for you that they skateboard?"
I said" as long as its fine for you its fine for me".
And other thing...(what I could capture with camera) we went to Toys r Us and while I was checking all the new things what they have on a market for newborns I heard lots of noise!
There I saw three kids riding a bike as fast as they can towards me and Brian behind them laughing.
oh boy oh boy.
it was a great day :)!
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