Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Wedding

Congratulations Laas and Kate! What a beautiful couple you were (as you always are)! Here is just couple shot from the wedding.... :)

Also, as you might have seen, I haven't been busy posting new posts here lately. Everything is good here, I just havent had time to sit and write! BUT, I will do it tonight..I have SO many pictures to share and things to write.....Eliel's Birthday, our home life, kids school news, Seba's new things ........and so on! So many other fun stuff!

BUT, right now you will see pictures of our fun day yesterday!

some poses :)!

Walking to the War Memorial Hall where the ceremony were.

Beautiful building!

All the decorations were so natural...totally Kate's taste!!!
Loved it!

And...the bride was beautiful!!!



Wedding reception

Ah, everything looked amazing there!

Kids got new friends, Estonian kids :) they had fun talking finnish and estonian to each other and then translating it to english. The languages are so similar but still its hard to understand each others :) But yes, they had good time!

And the cake !!!

Wedding was great. So relaxed and lots of laugh! Just like how Kate and Laas are. They are wonderful couple and we are so happy that we were able to be part of their big day <3!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Huh huh! Ma eilen illalla kattoin, etta milloinka sita onkaan viimeksi kirjoittanut blogiin, ja kappas vain, viikko vierahti, tuosta noin vaan! On vissiin vahan ollu hassakkaa :)!

Kouluviikko meni lapsilta hyvin..joka aamu lahtivat reippaana kouluun ja tulivat takaisin. Illatkin osattiin kayttaytya ihmisiksi (verrattuna edelliseen viikkoon!!!). Yks paiva kavin hakemassa lapset koulussa ja juttelin Tristanin opettajan kanssa hetkisen..oli kiva kuulla kuulumisia opettajan suunnalta, miten pikku jatka siella koulussa parjailee. Kaikki hyvin, kaikki hyvin :) Tristan on kuulemma hiljainen, kuuntelee tarkasti mita sanotaan ja tekee just niin. On saannut kavereita ja niitten kanssa juoksee ja touhuaa menemaan. Valilla hiljentyy itsekseen kirja kadessa matolle lukemaan. Paljoo ei viela puhu menemaan, mutta kylla se enklantikin sielta rupee kohta tulemaan.
Kun Tristanilta kysyy, miten meni koulussa, se sanoo "ma leikin mun kavereitten kanssa. Mulla on viisi kaveria. En muista niitten nimia, kun ne ovat englanniksi ;)". Ihana. Sit kun kysyy, puhutko sa englantia koulussa ni vastaus on " Can I go to pee?" (saanko menna pissalle?) " Mun pittaa menna pissalle koulussa koko ajan"..hauska. Mut hyvin siis menee pojalla! Ja innokkaasti odotellaan jo maanantaita ja kouluun menoa!

Meidan ekaluokkalainen on niin kuin ekaluokkalainen yleensa :)! AGENDA (kalenteri). Se on iso juttu. Se on sellainen kalenteri, johon he kirjoittavat joka paiva jotain tarkeeta ja jota pitaa kuljettaa repussa koulun ja kodin valilla. Vahan niin kuin reissuvihko. Toivottavasti lasten koulu innostus pysyy ylla ensi kesaan saakka...!

Meita on ilmat hellineet taman viikon. +25 ollut koko ajan. Vaikkakin, tuntuu ihan syksylta. Sellainen koleus, kylmahko tuuli. Yot ovat kylmat, mutta paivalla aurinko lammittaa taas mukavasti. Pikkupuurokoululaiset parjailee kanssa hyvin kotona. Elielille puskee takahampaita, meinaa olla enemman kiukkunen kuin iloinen. Kavely valtaa konttauksen, vaikkakin aika ankkamaista viela. Ens viikolla juhlitaan yksivuotis synttareita :D akkia aika menee!!!

Rentoa sunnuntaiaamua vietellaan. Tama likka lahtee kohta toihin ja Brian jaa viikareitten kanssa touhuamaan. Ei kait tasa. Valokuvia ei oo jaettavana, on kamera pysynyt koskemattomana koko viikon.

Mukavaa tulevaa viikkoa kaikille!!!Taalla meno ja tohina sen kun vaan jatkuu :D!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mud fun!

Kun aiti on toissa ja lapset ovat kotona isan kanssa, leikit ovat ihan erit :)! 

When mom is working and dad is at home with the kids, the games are totally different :)!

Voitte uskoa, etta lapsilla oli hauskaa :D :D se kikatus oli ollut aivan mahoton! Mukavat muistot.... <3

You can believe that they surely had fun time :D :D they laughed so hard that its unbelievable! Fun memories... <3


Ma menin nukkumaan jo 9lta eilen illalla! Olin kylla aivan rattipoikki! Kova tyopaiva takana, tai oikeestaan koko viikko. Lapset aloittivat koulun ja vaikka kaksi on kotoa poissa paivisin, se kylla kostautuu monin kertaisena illalla...aivan mahdotonta hulina vilinaa ollut! Kylla se tasta, kylla se tasta - ma itteani rauhottelen. Kohan taas tama huusholli oppii elamaan uuden rytmin kanssa, ni kaikki palautuu taas normaaliin!  Toivottavasti pian. Siis vaikkapa jo huomenna. Karsimaton kun olen. Joka asiassa. Me saatiin myos AJ tanne luoksemme Suomesta talveksi. Ihan huippua....!!!Tulee olemaan mukavaa aikaa edessa....!

MUTTA. Empas saanutkaan nukkua prinsessa unia, vaan kello kaksi yolla tuli marka heratys. Haha. Brian lahti illalla Williamin kanssa rimpsalle ja kun he reissusta palattuaan aamuyolla odottelivat saunan lampiamista, paattivat vahan jekkuilla mun ja mun unien kanssa. Eihan siina, onneksi se oli vain vetta eika lasten pissaa :)! Eika heraaminen tuntunut missaan. Oli jo 5tuntia unta pallossa, ja niilla unilla tassa on melekeimpa menty viimeiset pari viikkoa! Mutta eihan me AJ:n kanssa annettu periksi vaan kostettiin vahasen. Ensin pahalla... Siveltiin saunan ovenripa siirapilla...ja kun poijjat saunaan hyppasivat ni tadaa.....! :):):)
Mut tehtiin me vahan hyvaakin. Katettiin herkullinen illallinen poytaan, musiikin ja kynttiloiden lomassa. Ja sitten massailtiin..! Maistupas hyvalle!!!

I went to sleep already at 9pm last night! I WAS TIRED. OVERTIRED. Busy workday behind or I could say the whole week was crazy! Not only at work but also at home...when school starts, you know what it brings with? New routine! And we haven't found that yet, so I am crossing my fingers that routine will come to our life ASAP! Also we got our friend AJ from Finland this week. That was good news! We are ALL really enjoying her company here with us!!!!!!I am so happy to have her here! It will be super fun winter ahead!

BUT. I wasn't able to sleep princess sweet dreams. Because at 2am I woke up for something wet! Brian left last night with his friend William for coffee and have a evening off and when they came back and while waiting sauna to warm up they decided to do some jokes to me. To me, who is enjoying the good night sleep! Okei, I woke up, as you can believe so.I already had 5hrs of sleep behind and I was ready to wake up for the new day, that has been my rhythm for past two weeks.  I didn't give up that easily. AJ and I took some syrup and put it to the sauna door handles ... and boys had fun surprise when they jumped to the sauna :)! Yes, we did some nice things too...we made nice evening snack for all of us. Was really tasty!

Leppoista Sunnuntaita taalla vietellaan. Kirkkoon lahto. Ja viela ruokavuoro. Ettei vaan paasis ottamaan iisisti milloinkaan :D! We are spending relaxing Sunday morning here. Soon leaving to the church. And food turn . Just that can't relax too much today :D

- E

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Time flies, it surely flies!

Tristan had his first school day today! He was smile boy the whole morning <3.
Just couldn't do anything else. And the backpack was heavier and bigger then the school boy! But he did it, he surely did it! And mom is so proud!And so is dad!

He said the best thing of the day was that he made 5 new friends. But can't remember their names, because they are in english ;) cute. And tomorrow he will play with them again!
Also he got the same teacher what Jillian had. I am so happy about that. She is awesome!

There they are walking together, every school morning now on..two of them, with a backpack, ready to learn new things, play with friends and do fun things!
How exciting is that!!!

The best thing is that there is own sister in the same school. Who is giving support even she is in different class. But just knowing, she is there, all is good.

Mom was thinking of you Tristan the whole day. Looking at the time and thinking, I wonder what my little Tristan is doing now? Has everything gone will? Is he speaking english? Does he have enough time to eat his lunch? ... I was so nervous the whole day! BUT, when I saw the school bus coming back from school, I saw two smile kids coming out and running to me. Stories after stories <3 I loved it.  Then I know everything went well.
And hearing:
I want to go to the school tomorrow again!

Even dad stayed at home. It was so special for Tristan and Jillian. When Jillian had her first day of school, Brian were in Finland. Too far to be in the bus stop with us. But this time, he made it. Yeah!

"Mom and dad, I did some painting at school. I painted my own hand! And the next thing what I will learn is to write my own name <3"
Good start Tristan! 
You will do well!
We are so proud of you!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jillian's first day of the first grade!

Odotellaan, odotellaan, odotellaan...kohta se koulubussi tullee :)! Jillian oli hereilla jo aikasseen aamulla, puki paalle, pesi hampaat ja harjasi hiukset...aamupalakin meni tuhinalla suuhun ja ei kun reppua vaan selkaan ja sohvalle odottamaan, milloin pitaa menna bussille. Niin innokkaana, niin reippaana. Niin tottuneena, niin onnellisena.

Tienvarteen mentiin ihan ajoissa (10min etuajassa).. Pojat (varsinkin Seba), oli aivan mielissaan Jillianin kouluun lahdosta. " mina menen puurokouluun, mina menen puurokouluun", - hoki vain menemaan. Saas nahda, saattaa pojalle tulla torstaina itkusilmaan kun Tristankin hyppaa silloin koulubussiin ja totuus valkenee, puurokoulu tapahtuukin kotona, eika OIKEASSA KOULUSSA.

Tristan saa viela huomisen paivan riehua ja kiusata pikkusisaruksiaan kotona (aivan mahdotonta tama odottaminen!), kunnes hyppaa koulubussiin Jillian, isosiskon kanssa.
We are waiting, waiting, waiting....soon the school bus will come :)! Jillian woke up early today, dressed up, brushed the teeth and did hair...breakfast went down to the stomach faster then never before and then. Waiting. Sitting and watching the clock and waiting.

There is no way she could go to the bus stop without the crew ;) Boys were so pumped again, to go there and have a competition, who sees the school bus first! Sebastian kept on saying " i am going to the mom's porridge school..." I have a feeling that the true will come out on Thursday (when Tristan starts the school) that actually the porridge school is at home, not at the REAL SCHOOL!

Tristan has still tomorrow time to put house upside down and bug the little brothers (waiting time is awful, says mom!)...but only, only two more nights and THEN, school starts!!!

" Jes! Vihdoinkin koulu alkaa!!! "

" Mitahan ekaluokka tuo tullessaan... "

Ensimmainen paiva on aina jannittavin paiva <3

 " Kun koulutieni alkaa taas..."

" Pien on tuossa matkalainen, kirjat, taulut laukussaan... "

Labour Day ----> Emppu's Lazy Day!

Mun ystava soitti tannaan aikasseen (hih, aikasseen 10lta) ja pyysi aamupalalle <3. Mika ihana yllatys, kun juuri oli herannyt ja ehka kerennyt antaa vain ajatuksen aamupalalle, saatikka koko paivalle. Hymy nousi huulille, aamurutiinit tuli touhuttua vauhdilla...hyppattiin autoon ja ajettiin pari minuuttia ja perilla oltiin! Jatettiin Brian kotia opiskelemaan ihan rauhassa....pitaahan sita jotain toita tehda Labour Dayna, vaikkapa edes aivotyoskentelya!

Aah, lampoisan aamuauringon paisteessa (+25, joka nousi paivalla +30) syotiin aamupalaherkkuja ulkona. Rupateltiin ja parannettiin maailmaan ja elamaa lasten leikkiessa. Kiitos Anna, teit paivastani juhlan jo heti aamusta!!!!

My friend called me this morning, early in the morning (ya right, like 10am) and asked me to come for breakfast to their place.  What a fun surprise! Anna, you really got smile to my face right from the morning and it lasted the whole day..!So the morning routines went fast and it didn't take too much time that me and the kids were in the car ready to go. We left Brian at home  to study in should do some kind of work on the Labour Day...get your brain to work, eh!

So yes, the sun was shining SOOOOOOOOO beautifully today...aah, it was just an amazing day today. So there we were outside, enjoying our breakfast and made the world better while kids were playing...was a great start for the day!

Siina muutama kuvanen tasta aamusta. Olihan se mukava.
Huomenna taas uusi paiva, ja mikas paiva se onkaan....KOULUPAIVA!!!



Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ooh, can't believe that its already Saturday. 
Actually, if I speak truth, my days are totally mixed up! It felt like Sunday today, but its SATURDAY. So much have happened and....I don't know, we just have been running around. Or I have. Should say. 
Now when the work started, have to find routine  again and use my time the right way...I guess it is all about time management ;) ooh, it will be good two weeks (hope!) 

What got my week mixed up was... 

Okei. Finally when I had two days off (wednesday and thursday) I spent those days thinking ONLY my tooth !!!!!SURPRISE! :(:(:(:(
and guess..this was what I ended up with...

I ENDED UP GOING TO THE EMERGENCY on Thursday evening! Tuesday evening my tooth started to bother me (again) and I thought that this will go past (and fast)...but by Thursday morning I couldn't think about nothing else then my tooth, so I went to the dentist. And guess how he called me when he saw me: "You look like a chipmunk". I surely did. There I got two different medications...thinking all will be good (btw, there was infection on the roots, so root canal is coming up next week, but first we have to get rid of infection) back to the story, Thursday evening I couldn't open my mouth anymore and got really scared (my dentist told me IF this happens, go to the hospital right away!) So off we went to the hospital. Me and Brian. And tittidii. I came home at 4am with a IV placed in my hand ---> back to the hospital on Friday morning for 10am to get antibiodic by IV. Didn't sleep that well, I am telling you. And that visit wasn't the funniest one. They sucked out all the puss from underneath my tooth. IT WASN'T FUN!!!Never want to do that again. Never. Something positive there was, that I didn't have to go back there anymore in the evening. Huoh. 

I don't have IV anymore :) 
I look like me again, not chipmunk.
I am fulfilled with drugs for next 7 days.

And couple of  fun things what my dentist said to me too...
"What could the week be without you, Emilia"
"And our next date is next week....." 
:) He is funny. I like him a lot!!!!
But its not fun to go to the dentist every week, right?

I am not blessed with good tooth. As you probably notice that already. So, just to let you know, go to the dentist right away if your tooth is hurting you. Take good care of them, brush and flush.

Anyways. That's enough of that topic. 
Let's talk about something fun what happened this week!!!!!!

Here is Eliel. 
As you can see, his forehead has red marks. Why? 
He likes to be outside and likes the stairs. 
Because he doesn't remember to go feet down always, sometimes goes head down. 
And that what happens. Busy boy. Oh mine.

This little, or I could say big man is ready to go to the school. On Wednesday we went to the back to school shopping with kids. They managed really well ( or I did with them???) We went to the mall, Mc Donald's and Walmart and got ALL SHOPPING DONE! YIKES! Can't believe!
 Two of my four kids are going to the school next week...iiks. Where the time has gone? But he is excited, very excited! I don't have to be nervous about him going to the school at all. 
And I can't waaaait to hear all the stories what happens at school. Now we will hear even more stories. REALLY EXCITING!!!!

We still have summer here. +30 every day. No beach anymore. But kids have been swimming at our neighbours pool everyday. And driving the bikes and jumping on the trampoline......basically, being outside at least 10hours per day. Loving it. I don't want that winter comes. please....don't come. But fall is exciting times...all the fun colours in the nature...aahhh....that I can't wait to see again. Our little maple forest beside our house is gorgeous in the fall <3. Ooh, that reminded me of this song..this is one of the most beautiful song what I have ever heard. And every time I hear it, I love Canada even more <3. 

"There are many flags now waving, over land and over sea, And though shot and shell are flying Canada I think of thee. It's the land I'd do or die for and my heart is there always, So when I get back home once more, 'tis there I'll end my days 

I love you Canada for you mean so much to me. I love your hills and valleys and your stately Maple tree, I love all your dear people tho' far away I roam, When I hear them speak of Canada, I long for Homer Sweet Home. 

When it comes to flowers and sunshine, Canada I think of you, And my pals here in the trenches, they are heroes staunch and true. Every Soldier in our army they have surely stood the test, And to them I talk of Canada the land I love the best.

I love you Canada for you mean so much to me. I love your hills and valleys and your stately Maple tree, I love all your dear people tho' far away I roam, When I hear them speak of Canada, I long for Homer Sweet Home."

Isn't it beautiful song or what??????????

Can't forget to tell you that this little man walks every day more and more! And believe or not, but he mostly likes to walk outside! Isn't that unusual?? But that what he does!!! Mostly he has taken 6steps...but it won't be long time anymore when he is running!!!!!!!!!!Hmm, that will be fun!

There is the fun couple who moved close to us. Aah, do we ever enjoy their time...always fun. Yes, always relaxing time. Last night we had a pizza party together...We made home made pizzas!!!!They were delicious. SOO SOOO GOOD!!!!Thanks for you company..let's do that again. 

Pst. look who is sleeping at the Nick's lap...yes, that's our little Eliel, who is building up the energy level :)!

And the yummy food....hjurps....

Monday afternoon, after my workday, we drove to the Ikea. Did some furniture shopping. Was time already. Have been waiting for this day little too long. But I knew it will come. Yes, we bought lots of stuff, but still there is TONS of things what I want to get to our house. Next time. Yes, next time. And it will come, right?

Jillian got new school table with a chair. She is really excited about it! Now she has OWN TABLE where to do crafts ( she loves !!!), write and colour and do her school work. 
Also all the kids got new bedding to their beds...they got to choose them :) it was fun to watch kids there. They got so excited about all the fun kids furniture what they had...Seba was in his glory :) he truly enjoyed his time there...the little tables, chairs, beds....

This is what makes the mom happy...:

We finally got CLOSETS for boys clothing!!!!
We bought those Pax-closet combinations...Now their clothes will be neatly folded and everything have a place. This makes me cry...I love it, absolutely love it. Now all the three boys sleeps in the same room , have their clothes there and toys and. Yes. Getting there. Slowly and surely. We still needs to buy doors. Didn't know what colour I want, so next time will get them. They will be brown, white or green. I think the brown will be the colour we will go. Let's see.


He is now 3 years old little munchkin.

Last saturday at 7am we went to wake him up with a breakfast.....

He was so happy! He didn't want to open his eyes when he heard us singing. Then he saw all the goodies on the plate and the new bike what he got....he brighten up right away :D little cutie!

This bike has been his life this week.
He calles it "fire bike",

It's red, orange, yellow and black.
What else it could be?

This evening we had a birthday party for him. Because I spent the day at work, Brian did all the preps for it. Now on, he will do every single one. That went little too good :)!

Sebastian was little shy as he always is when he gets attention.

" These candies are mine and I don't really care about the rest" 

Spider Man, Legos, Thomas the train - is HOT in our household. (+ fire trucks).

Look at that face of the Birthday boy...he is super cute!!!!

Now he is three. New year ahead. Last year at home, at porridge school. Ah, this little boy brings so much joy to the life. He is one of the special gifts what we have got.

Love you so much, Sebastian.

I hope you never grow big, ok?

We still have little piece of the cake left. Want to have some?
