Meilla oli synttarit! Ja olipas ne vasta synttarit!
Viime viikolla perjantai-illasta lauantaihin. Talo oli taynna poikia.
Ja Tristan taytti 5-vuotta!!!
Onnea mun rakkaalle pojalle!!!
Kuvat kertoo kaiken, pojilla oli lystia ja tekemista riitti!
Pizzaparty alkaa...
We had a Birthday-party and was it ever a party! The house was full of boys and our Dear Tristan was happy 5-years old <3.
Who wouldn't like to have few friends for sleepover?
These pictures tell everything, they had fun!
And we started fun with Pizzaparty...
We had a Birthday-party and was it ever a party! The house was full of boys and our Dear Tristan was happy 5-years old <3.
Who wouldn't like to have few friends for sleepover?
These pictures tell everything, they had fun!
And we started fun with Pizzaparty...
Talo oli taynna palomiehia :)
Oli turvallista olla.
Our house was filled with Firefighters.
I felt really safe.
Our house was filled with Firefighters.
I felt really safe.
Pojat kavivat Lauantai aamuna pilkilla Brianin kanssa...takaisin tuli punaposkisia poikia syomaan lounasta seka avaamaan yllatyspaketit!
On Saturday morning boys went ice fishing with Brian (who came home that morning at 7am ;)) After couple hours they came back to have a lunch and open the surprise bags!
On Saturday morning boys went ice fishing with Brian (who came home that morning at 7am ;)) After couple hours they came back to have a lunch and open the surprise bags!
Sitten aukaistiin lahjat...
Then it was Tristan's turn to open all the presents...
Then it was Tristan's turn to open all the presents...
Ja syotiin kakkua,
Kakkuja oli perati kaksi. Illalla syotiin toista, kun kummit, kaveriperhe ja mummu (Tiina-mummu oli kaymassa!!!) seka Vicky (Brianin sisko) ja hanen pikkutyttonsa tulivat synttarikahveille.
Tristan sai ekaa kertaa mummun synttareilleen <3!
Actually there were two of them. One for the boys and one for the evening when Godparents, friends and grandma (Tristan's Grandma were able to be first time at his Birthday, was it ever special for him <3)
Kakkuja oli perati kaksi. Illalla syotiin toista, kun kummit, kaveriperhe ja mummu (Tiina-mummu oli kaymassa!!!) seka Vicky (Brianin sisko) ja hanen pikkutyttonsa tulivat synttarikahveille.
Tristan sai ekaa kertaa mummun synttareilleen <3!
Actually there were two of them. One for the boys and one for the evening when Godparents, friends and grandma (Tristan's Grandma were able to be first time at his Birthday, was it ever special for him <3)
Siina han on.
Aitin rakkaus pakkaus <3
Vanhin poikani.
Iloinen. Lempea. Touhukas.
Miettelias. Ajattelevainen.
Ujo. Nauravainen. Reipas.
Herkka. Tahtisilma.
I love you so so much, Tristan. <3
I love you so so much, Tristan. <3
Ihana ku sää jaksat tänne kirjotella. Ihan huippu lueskella teidän perheen kuulumisia, ku niin kaukana siellä ootte <3 Onnea Tristanille miljoonittain! Muitaakohan se mua enään? ;)
:) katoppas kun AJ:kin kay kurkkailemassa :) ma kirjoitan tanne juuri sinulle <3.
Ja onnittelut valitetty!
Saitko tekstarin, Tristanin videon :)?
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