I feel so blessed to have just a great humor owing daughter!Being so independent (or trying to be sometimes), she has the down moments...sometimes the tireness brings lots of tears, sometimes the life is not going to that direction what she has planned or thought, sometimes she just needs a hug to make things better. I think that is the best for the parents to see that their child is happy and enjoying the life.
She is the girl who says endlessly " I love you" to the people, and when she says it, she really means it. We love you Jillian so so so much! We wish you a very happy 6th year! Hope it is full of joy and laughs! Keep saying " I love you" because I love you even more. xoxo
So here I share some pictures of her special 6th Birthday! And everything started in the morning..Jillian went to sleep already at 8pm the night before. She just couldn't wait til her birthday! So me and Brian ran into a problem! How we are going to wake up before her (like 7am and its saturday morning???). ALARM. And "on" it went. So...quietly in the morning we made breakfast to her, woke up the boys, presents were ready and "HAPPY BIRTHDAY-song" was sang out loud in our house at 7.15am :)! Jillian was pretending, that she was sleeping still (that's funny, she has that age right now, that she is pretending, like one day this week they were playing in Brian's truck so she ran in and said" Mom, we are just pretending that we are firefighters and going to the call!")anyways, So I started couting "are you one, are you two..." and when I hit the six she yelled out loud STOOOP! And having a big grin in her face!
(Thank You my mom and dad for giving us just a great tradition. Birthday breakfast to the bed- is the best wake up. Our kids absolutely love it!!!!)
During her birthday week, we had a great weather! +20 every day! Wee got into summer mood big time and the birthday gift was like that too. NEW BIKE! And the bike has been used every day since, even it has been little colder and chilly. She was the most happiest bike owner!
After morning breakfast we went to have our friend's Surprise Birthday Brunch! Jillian was part of fun too, of course! The bride to be is the very important person for her and also having a special day, she was able to come join other ladies at the restaurant! After a great brunch we came back home with two extra girls in our ride to celebrate...Girls had so much fun playing inside and outside..running back and forth!Playing and laughing all day long...
It was time to blow the candles and eat the cake! A few more birthday visitors came for coffee. The Birthday song was sang out loud again and the little 6 years old girl was the most happiest person at the earth!